Indonesia's Next Presidential Candidate

    Indonesia's Next Presidential Candidate

    PANGANDARAN JAWA BARAT - For the sake of achieving a just and prosperous society, it is time for the Indonesian state to be led by Jeje Wiradinata from Pangandaran district, why?

    Yes, because in this republic of Indonesia, there is only one regent who has been successful for and useful for.

    The Regent of Pangandaran H Jeje Wiradinata has succeeded in making budget efficient in carrying out the mandate of the second and fifth precepts of Pancasila, and he has been sucsesful in fullfil the most basic needs for his people.

    Starting in 2016, the Pangandaran district government has provided : 1. Free health costs without exception, as long as residents have a Pangandaran ID card.

    2. Free education from elementary school to university level but studying in Pangandaran and also residents with Pangandaran ID cards.

    3. Students from Pangandaran who study outside Pangandaran have 70% subsidized tuition fees.

    Jeje Wiradinata is a true pancasilais, make him the president of the republic of Indonesia, we believe what he has done for the people of Pangandaran, he can do for all the people of Indonesia. (Anton AS)

    Pangandaran jawa barat
    Anton atong sugandhi

    Anton atong sugandhi

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